Leveraging Deep Learning: Strategies and Tools for Conceptual Understanding
Leverarging Deep Learning is a practical resource designed by Innovative Global Education (IGE) to assist educators in ensuring there is a focus on assessment of understanding.
The authors aim to provide educators with practical strategies and ideas connected to assessment of understanding. To assist educators with this, IGE has formulated a Rubric for Understanding. The Rubric for Understanding comprises four levels with each level building on the other as learners further develop and build on their conceptual understanding. It provides both educators and learners with clear guidance of where the learning is heading. Focussed on evidence of understanding, it also provides learners with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways at any given time. The book provides educators with a step by step process of how to develop the Rubric for Understanding as well as examples from across the curriculum and year levels.
There is also a focus in the book of shifting assessment from formative or summative to continuous assessment. The idea being that assessment takes place at all times and can take on many forms. There are examples of how educators and learners can evidence understanding as learners progress through the levels. It also equips educators with strategies and tools that they and learners can use continuously and revisit throughout the learning to show developing understanding.
In support of these pivotal resources, Leveraging Deep Learning also includes educators' voices, where educators share their experiences of using the ideas in the book. It also places an emphasis on “learners as assessment capable” and provides educators with examples of how more responsibility can be given to learners during the assessment process.
In making strategies and tools available through the book, IGE hopes that many more educators will be able to use continuous assessment as a way to differentiate the learning, include learners in the assessment process and place an emphasis on conceptual understanding.
This book provides critical assessment approaches that will provide the transfer and application of understanding. It emphasises a shift from assessing knowledge to evaluating and transferring conceptual understanding.
“Assessment is essential for challenging and supporting all learners. This book offers practical strategies to help educators center learning and assessment on deep understanding while actively engaging students as key participants in the process.”
“The power of continuous assessment is integral to ensuring assessment is dynamic and ongoing, that being key to meaningful deep learning. This book provides accessible and practical ways to design assessment strategies that will engage and respect the diversity of the learning community.”
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