How to Sketchnote

A Step-By-Step Manual for Teachers and Students

Discover the Benefits of Doodling!

Educator and internationally known sketchnoter Sylvia Duckworth makes ideas memorable and shareable with her simple yet powerful drawings. In How to Sketchnote, she explains how you can use sketchnoting in the classroom and that you don’t have to be an artist to discover the benefits of doodling!

Sketchnoting (aka visual note-taking) allows students to see the bigger picture in the concepts they are studying, make connections in their learning, and display their learning process—and all of that leads to better retention. In this fun and inviting book, Sylvia equips you with the basic tools you and your students need to introduce doodling and sketchnoting in the classroom. With step-by-step sketchnote practice sessions and 180+ icons you can use or adapt to represent your ideas, How to Sketchnotewill inspire you to embrace the doodler within—even if you think you can’t draw.

What the Author is Saying…

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“The thing I am most proud about this book is how it demonstrates that everyone can draw and express themselves with sketchnotes”.

“My favorite part of this book is how #SketchnoteFever has made its way to students who can now doodle as part of their course work!” Check out the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram!

What’s In the book?

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The Reviews Are In…

Five Stars…..“Sylvia Duckworth is the queen of classroom sketchnoting. I remember after meeting her having my husband show me one of her graphics he had seen reshared on Facebook. That was when I realized not only how important sketchnotes are to the transmission of educational information but also how naturally awesome Sylvia is at mastering them. Sit down with this book to have your own personal mentor of sketchnoting and start empowering you and your students to supercharge ideas and learning.”

VICKI DAVIS, teacher and IT director, Camilla, Georgia, @coolcatteacher

Five Stars…..“Sketchnoting is a fantastic instructional strategy to use with students to deepen learning, but many teachers are unsure where to start. Sylvia Duckworth has provided the answer to this question with her practical book How to Sketchnote. I particularly love how Sylvia has included so many helpful ways for learners of any age to expand and develop their ‘personal library’ of icons to use in sketchnotes. Whether you are a complete novice to sketchnoting or have been using it for many years with your students, Sylvia’s book will provide you with ideas, strategies, and exercises that can help you become an even more skilled and savvy sketchnoting educator. Hooray for visual literacy, sketchnoting as a learning strategy, and Sylvia Duckworth for sharing this important contribution to our digital toolkits as technology using teachers!”

— Dr. WESLEY FRYER, author of Playing with Media: Simple Ideas for Powerful Sharing and the media project framework, @wfryer

Five Stars…..“Are you ready to take the next step with sketchnotes in your classroom and beyond? Sylvia Duckworth’s How to Sketchnote: a Step-by-Step Manual for Teachers and Students is a treasure chest of ideas! In this book, you have everything at your fingertips to get started on your sketchnote journey. From insights on why and how to support students with visual vocabularies and sketchnotes to super fun activities and drawing challenges, Sylvia shares everything you need to know, including the secret that everyone can draw! You don’t have to be an artist to sketchnote, and everyone can benefit from doodling . . . so jump in and try it!”

— ANN KOZMA, teacher innovation lead, Fullerton, California, USA @annkozma723


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