INQUIRY MINDSET Assessment Edition
Looking for ways to help students see themselves in a more positive, confident, and personally fulfilling light?
Do you want to cultivate the conditions for agency and equity in your classroom and school so all learners can thrive? Are you interested in shifting education so that your students become more empowered, more competent, and more compassionate young people?
This book is written for educators who are seeking to reimagine their assessment practice to bring a more authentic inquiry experience to their students.
Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition offers practical ways to . . .
Co-design assessment with your students to create both a sense of belonging and ownership over learning in the classroom.
Establish greater clarity and a deeper understanding for your students in how they’ll be assessed.
Positively impact achievement and scores as well as your students’ sense of self and personal responsibility and autonomy.
Give your learners an authentic seat at the assessment table!
“This book is long overdue. Too often in education assessment is the tail that wags the dog. Teachers decide HOW they will teach as a result of assessment practices that are depersonalizing, not strength-based, and do not empower the student in knowing themselves better as learners and as young people. This book helps complete the landscape of inquiry to include the assessment realm of learning.”
“If you value inquiry and seek to develop reflective, self-directed students, get this book. It is brimming with advice and seasoned with soul. Your students will thank you.”
- JAY McTIGHE - coauthor of the Understanding by Design® framework
“Trevor offers solid, practical guidance, underpinned by his unwavering passion for an approach that positions the student as an empowered participant in the learning journey for which they are ultimately responsible. I have no doubt teachers will find this a valuable addition to their collection.”
- KATH MURDOCH - teacher, author of The Power of Inquiry
“This is music to my ears! Clear, personal, and eminently practical, Trevor MacKenzie’s new book will be core reading for all those who, like me, believe that education has to be about building character as well as knowledge.”
- GUY CLAXTON - author of The Learning Power Approach
“I work with schools around the world to help them redesign and align their curriculum and assessment, and this is a book I'll be recommending to those schools from now on. It’s a perfect starting point for the work educators need to do to make assessment authentic, meaningful, and powerful.”
—ALEXIS WIGGINS, teacher, author of The Best Class You Never Taught
Work with the author and collaboratively design professional development for your school, district, or organization.