Getting Personal With Inquiry Learning
In Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning, world-renowned inquiry expert, Kath Murdoch, draws on decades of experience to offer a thorough, practical guide to supporting young learners’ investigations into their passions, interests and questions. Following her best-selling Power of Inquiry, this book invites teachers to take their thinking about inquiry to the next level and to truly honour both their own and their students’ agency.
Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning offers educators a compelling argument for providing young people with opportunities to pursue their interests at school and provides a myriad of practical strategies to make this effective and manageable. Rich with classroom examples, templates to guide planning and accompanied by advice from a range of highly respected educators from around the world, this book beautifully connects theory and practice—achieving depth and accessibility.
“After many years of working with teachers and students to personalize the inquiry experience, I am so thrilled to have distilled our research and practice into this book. I hope “Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning” will give those new to inquiry an insight into the possibilities that lie ahead and those who are already using the approach a way to take their teaching to that next level! Having the book endorsed by some the most revered educators around the world has been such an honour!”
“Kath offers us the tools, frameworks, and resources not just to “do inquiry,” but to create the kind of classroom and school culture in which inquiry can flourish.”
- RON RITCHHART - author of the The Power of Making Thinking Visible
“Educators who recognize the value of self-directed, personalized learning have much to gain from this book… and their students will thank them for what they apply from it.”
- JAY McTIGHE - co-author of the Understanding by Design® series with Grant Wiggins
“Every progressive educator should make it a top priority to read this new book from Kath Murdoch.”
- LINDA KASER - Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education: BC
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